The Metamorphosis of European Identity or Demythologisation of a Construct

  • Hripsime Ramazyan , Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov


Modern societies, formed primarily as multi-unit entities in ethnic, confessional, and cultural senses, face the problem of integrating communities of other cultures, thus offering and testing various integration models based on the specifics of particular EU countries. This process has complicated immeasurably due to the unprecedented inflows of migrants, who have headed to the European continent from the countries of the Middle East and Africa in recent years. Against this background, the debate on the possibilities of integrating new inflows of migrants and, correspondingly, the prospects for their adaptation in the social and political space of the host countries of the European Union has been actualised with a new vigour. Otherwise, there is a danger of rupture of the entrenched interconnections and solidarity of people in a unified political space within the European nation-states.

Author Biography

Hripsime Ramazyan, , Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov
Associate Professor


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How to Cite
RAMAZYAN, Hripsime. The Metamorphosis of European Identity or Demythologisation of a Construct. Civilization Researches/ცივილიზაციური ძიებანი, [S.l.], n. 15, sep. 2019. ISSN 1512-1941. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.