European Integration and Identity Issues in Georgia

  • Inga Tsintskiladze Assistant Professor at Grigol Robakidze University PhD in Political Science


The purpose of the following paper is to analyze the issues of European Integration and identity in Georgia. On 14 June 2004 after a recommendation made by the Commission the Council decided to offer Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan the opportunity to participate in the European Neighborhood Policy. Georgia has gone through transition period since independence. With history, culture and traditions it has always been part of Europe. Public buildings in the  capital of  Tbilisi feature EU flags next to Georgian ones, a symbol of Georgia’s choices, like the former Prime Minister of Georgia, Zurab Zhvania once said on the occasion of Georgia’s accession to the Council of Europe: 'I am Georgian, therefore I am European'.


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How to Cite
TSINTSKILADZE, Inga. European Integration and Identity Issues in Georgia. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], june 2019. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


European, identity, Georgia, culture, integration