Comparative Analysis of the Laws of Georgia and the Republic of Kazakhstan on the State Language

  • Tamar Gvarishvili Student of the Faculty of Law and social sciences; BA educational program in Law,Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
  • Murman Gorgoshadze Professor of the Faculty of Law and social sciences, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
  • Gvantsa Lomadze Student of the Faculty of Law and social sciences; BA educational program in Law,Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University


The article uses a comparative-legal method to conduct an analysis of the Law on Languages of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Organic Law on the State Language of Georgia. The structure of these laws, their preambles, the constitutional status of the state languages, types of languages, the scope of use of the state languages, issues of their protection and development, responsibility for breaking the law and the issues of compulsory knowledge of the state language are compared in this article. By a comparative analysis of the aforementioned aspects not only the importance of languages, as of social mechanisms associated with the means of communication and the identity of people but also the threats that they encounter over time are indicated. The difficulties faced by state languages of both countries, how legislation solves challenges and how Georgia and Kazakhstan can share each other’s experiences in this field were studied.


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5. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Last seen28 April, 2018
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7. Murman Gorgoshadze, The Essence and the Place of the Preamble in the Structure of the Normative-legal Act, “Часопис Київського університету права”, 2018/2, page 346
8. Robert L. Cooper Language Planning and Social Change..Cambridge University Press, 1996. Page 100,last seen 19 April, 2018
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10. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 29, 2017 No. 790 on Approving the System of State Planning in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Last seen 28 April 2018.
How to Cite
GVARISHVILI, Tamar; GORGOSHADZE, Murman; LOMADZE, Gvantsa. Comparative Analysis of the Laws of Georgia and the Republic of Kazakhstan on the State Language. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], june 2019. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


state language, protection of state language, types of language, fields of use of state language, status of state language.