Promotion of propaganda policies on intercultural communication in the Republic of Moldova. Historical aspect.

  • Valentina ENACHI Doctor in history, assistant professor, USEM


In this study we analyze the problem related to the propaganda techniques and tactics. Withthese techniques and tactics the Soviet State succeeded to impose one ideology in the collective mentalities. The situation of Soviet Socialist Republic in the years 70 of the XXth century serves as a case study. The objectives of the article target the intercultural communication problems of Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic, which have been covered by Soviet propaganda. Propaganda tools of the era which created moods and generated social behaviors are analyzed in the second part. In the same time, the slogans, the themes and the message types of the written press on this subject were identified. The propaganda techniques: “Giving appellations; brilliant overviews; attributive error; transfer; the musician’s wagon; the testimony; ordinary people” and so on are exemplified and analyzed in detail.


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How to Cite
ENACHI, Valentina. Promotion of propaganda policies on intercultural communication in the Republic of Moldova. Historical aspect.. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], feb. 2019. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


propaganda, mass-media, friendship, messages, denationalization, slogans, interculturality.