Spiritual Security Factor as an Identity Definer

  • Irakli Manvelidze Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
  • Giga Phartenadze Georgian Technical University


  Post Soviet transformation occurred under conditions of globalization processes and society’s social-economic and cultural-political modernization occurred. Following reevaluation of traditional values new life norms are being established and developed which are taking prevailing position in society. As a result of all this, the negative results of post transformation of social identity are quite vivid. Identity has become important not only for people, family, social institutions but for the state as a whole as well. Therefore, as a result of transformation following the increase of negative events in society, spiritual factors of state security attracts more and more attention from scientists.  In the context of cultural globalization in order to reach society’s political and social welfare it is important to realize the role of identity so as to minimize the risks associated with it and in search of optimal state institutional model. Every society which is in regime of transformation and modernization is characterized by identical crisis.In modern times when society shows clear signs of identical crisis there’s a threat to stable and secure development of post soviet countries. During identical crisis the basics of identity are quite weak which are the ground on which society and its security is based.  In modern times spiritual security should be considered as an important tool for overcoming identical crisis in society which is a defining factor for social identity. Putting this factor on first place in society is due to defense of social-cultural and national identity and developing mechanisms for social security which is in transformation process as well as ensuring its adaptation to reality.As a result of social-economic and cultural-political cataclysms the post soviet society is facing cultural-mental breakdown and social-cultural split as well as crisis of social values and spiritual culture. Therefore, ensuring society’s social-cultural sustainability is a problematic issue as society as a whole can exist only in conditions of spiritual-moral values, indicators of social potential.Thus, it becomes more necessary to realize spiritual security factors as a basis of identity as in conditions of threats and challenges caused by globalization and social de ideology the spiritual factors are acquiring special importance.            

Author Biographies

Irakli Manvelidze, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
Associate Professor
Giga Phartenadze, Georgian Technical University
PhD student of Public Administration 


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2. National Security Concept of Georgia, see link
3. Manvelidze I. Spiritual security aspects in the national security system of Georgia. Publisher: Universal, Tbilisi, 2013
4. Jgerenaia E. Is there society without ideology? Collection, Civil society.
How to Cite
MANVELIDZE, Irakli; PHARTENADZE, Giga. Spiritual Security Factor as an Identity Definer. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], feb. 2020. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <https://test.psage.tsu.ge/index.php/Easternstudies/article/view/166>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Identity, Security, Society, Transformation, State.