“Grey Zones” and Problem of New Common Identity in the Black Sea Region

  • Irakli Gorgiladze Batum Shota Rustaveli State University
  • Lasha Bazhunaishvil Associated Professor


Globalization and integration are characterized not only with forming of homogeneous structures and systems or certain orders, but accompanied with fragmen­tation and localization as well. Spaces, being left out of the synthesis of certain system, create uncertainty and infinite zones, which can be described as “Gray Zones”, where actually collapsed before existed order and the new one had not emerged yet. Moreover, actors (states) of such zones do not belong to the specific Defense, Security or Economic structures and region has huge gap regarding to the common regional identity. In the recent world politics one of such zone can be described as Black Sea Basin and its adjacent area.Article presents problem of common regional identity and geopolitical rivals in the Black Sea region.

Author Biographies

Irakli Gorgiladze, Batum Shota Rustaveli State University
Associated Professor
Lasha Bazhunaishvil, Associated Professor
Batumi State University


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How to Cite
GORGILADZE, Irakli; BAZHUNAISHVIL, Lasha. “Grey Zones” and Problem of New Common Identity in the Black Sea Region. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], feb. 2020. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <https://test.psage.tsu.ge/index.php/Easternstudies/article/view/167>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Black Sea, Geopolitics, New Identity, Gray Zone.