The root causes of the Armenian-Azerbaijani war. International community's position on Nagorny Karabakh

  • Kristina Niparishvili Assistant-researcher of Institute of Political Sciences of Ilia State University


The war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which started in September 2020 is a result of the conflict originating from a previous century.  The territory of Nagorny Karabakh for a long time remains the stumbling block between two countries. The reasons that led to the war in September 2020 are set in history of Nagorny Karabakh and in various factors which influenced the development of the conflict.


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How to Cite
NIPARISHVILI, Kristina. The root causes of the Armenian-Azerbaijani war. International community's position on Nagorny Karabakh. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], jan. 2021. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Armenia, Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh, Armenian-Azerbaijani war