• Viacheslav TSIVATYI Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • Maryna MARTSYNIUK National Institute for Strategic Studies


The article investigates Ukrainian migration policy features and Ukrainian labor migration to Europe in the polycentric world order of the XXI century. In the article reviews the network of a social assistance programs implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to help Ukrainian citizens who are «stuck» abroad due to restrictions that have been imposed to localize the spread of COVID-19. The purpose of this article is to perform system analysis of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine activity with Ukrainian citizens and Ukrainian migrants abroad, including a range of programs implemented by the Ministry and their impact on migration management during the spread of COVID-19.The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach, the principles of logic and multifactoriality, as well as a set of general and special research methods. To perform the tasks, were used the following methods: comparative, systemic, problem-chronological, descriptive-narrative, structural-functional analysis, critique of sources. These scientific methods allowed studying the work of ministerial programs as a part of a comprehensive process of managing migration processes. Reflect their efficiency in working with Ukrainian citizens and migrants abroad as a part of a comprehensive process of institutional management of migration processes; show the importance of a particular governmental institution in the system of state structures for working with migrants.The study examines constructed network of a social assistance programs, which help Ukrainian citizens who are «stuck» abroad during the spread of the COVID-19 and the main forms of interaction of the Ministry with Ukrainian citizens abroad. Authors of the article make emphasis on the effectiveness of the implementation of network programs in terms of mondialization; give recommendations on their possible adaptation and using the experience of diaspora politics and diaspora.The study revealed that in the context of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the system of work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine with Ukrainian citizens abroad has shown its high efficiency, dynamic development and adaptability to the rapidly changing situation. It is worth noting that the system is dynamic and innovative and could be perceptively used working with Ukrainian migrants abroad and the diaspora.

Author Biography

Maryna MARTSYNIUK, National Institute for Strategic Studies


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How to Cite
TSIVATYI, Viacheslav; MARTSYNIUK, Maryna. FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF EUROPE AND MIGRATION POLICY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC SPREAD: REGIONAL AND DIASPORAL DISCOURSES. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], feb. 2022. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


migration processes, migration policy, diaspora, foreign policy, diplomacy, institutionalization, mondialization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, COVID-19.