Youth Organizations of Political Parties in Georgia as a Tool for Political Socialization of Youth (2020 Parliamentary Elections)

  • Mariam Gelkhauri


The article discusses the role of youth organizations of political parties in the political socialization of young people during the 2020 parliamentary elections in Georgia. In-depth interviews with young representatives of 9 political entities (which crossed the 1% threshold) revealed opportunities for political socialization of youth. It was found that political parties in their ranks do little to encourage young people to develop politically and develop their political careers from youth organizations of political parties.In today's political parties, there is a practical attitude towards the members of youth organizations, which leads to the nihilistic attitude of the youth towards the parties and politics in general, which is why they often leave the party. The pre-election activities of the youth organizations of the parties during the 2020 parliamentary elections were different from the activities of the post-election period. It has been found that the number of young people in the youth wing has dropped dramatically since the election due to a reduction in resources or initiatives by the party.


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How to Cite
GELKHAURI, Mariam. Youth Organizations of Political Parties in Georgia as a Tool for Political Socialization of Youth (2020 Parliamentary Elections). Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], dec. 2021. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Youth organizations, political parties, parliamentary elections, political socialization