The Process of Unification of Georgian Parties in European Parties: The Case of Georgian Dream

  • Lado Grdzelishvili Research Assistant at The Institute of Political Sciences of Ilia State University


In today’s Georgia, one of the central importance in terms of the influence of political issues is given to the integration of Georgia into the European Union and the implementation of the steps to be taken towards it. Nevertheless, in terms of the political initiatives to be implemented, relatively less consideration is paid to the development of cooperation with the European parties by the political parties of Georgia. European parties, the constituent parts of the European Parliament, are ardently endeavoring to form the political culture of the Georgian parties, for the country to eventually join the EU. The significance of the aforementioned matter lies in the fact that the collaboration between Georgian political parties and European parties is seldom scrutinized by both the scientific community and society, thereby posing significant challenges to Georgia’s integration with the EU. Considering this factor, it is essential to clarify why Georgian political parties, and in this case, Georgian Dream, commenced to cooperate with European Parties and what factors can corrupt the existing relations between them. Consequently, the article will concentrate on the relations between The Party of European Socialists (PES) and the Georgian Dream in chronological order, spanning from the commencement of a lively dialogue to a profoundly deteriorated attitude, ultimately culminating in the Georgian Dream’s departure from PES.


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How to Cite
GRDZELISHVILI, Lado. The Process of Unification of Georgian Parties in European Parties: The Case of Georgian Dream. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], nov. 2023. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


European parties, Georgian political parties, Georgian Dream, The party of European Socialists.