• Salome DUNDUA


In terms of modern Georgia, when the country streams clearly towards European integration policy, the government claims to build unequivocally social state. However, the existing models of the social state themselves differ from each other. The country should determine, which of them to choose: Continental - European, Scandinavian or Anglo-Saxon-British. One thing is obvious, no matter which model will be chosen, the state will have to do a lot anyway.Typically, a number of instruments are singled out, which are often considered as necessary conditions and main characteristics of the creation of a social state. In the article we consider each tool of social welfare, on the example of Georgia. These tools are:. The democratic organization of the state government; The extensive economic potential of the state; Socially oriented structure of economics, which is reflected in existence of various forms of ownership; Government's social policy (or its apparent attempt), which aims at social justic;. Strong civil society; Legal state and the strengthening of social state on the legal level.As we have seen, recently Georgia has made a number of steps in regard to the implementation of the social welfare idea in life. In certain aspects positive changes are obvious: increase in the quality of democracy, the growth of funding in social programs and the health system, more or less strengthening of civil society; However, overall, in light of relatively low rate of economic growth, when the macroeconomic indicators of the state are not so satisfactory, the implementation of the idea of social state may be compromised.

Author Biography

Associate Proffessor of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University 


1. The Constitution of Georgia adopted on August 24, 1995, (09.09.2014).
2. "Freedom House": the quality of democracy has been improved in Georgia" (14.07.2015).
3. Resolution N400 of Georgian Government 2014 June 17. Tbilisi, about the statement of the socio-economic development strategy of Georgia "Georgia 2020", and some activities related to it.
4. Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, macroeconomic indicators, (10.04.2015).
5. OECD; Comparative Report on Corporate Governance on State Owned Enterprises; 2006.
6. The Audit of the effectivity of management of state-owned enterprises, performance audit report, 2015, (20.09. 2014).
7. Resolution N400 of Georgian Government, 17 June, 2014, Tbilisi, about the statement of the socio-economic development strategy of Georgia "Georgia 2020", and some activities related to it, (10.09.2014).
8. National Statistics Office, GDP in 2013, p. 3 (20.11.2014).
How to Cite
DUNDUA, Salome. SOCIAL POLICY AND MODERN GEORGIA. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], dec. 2017. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.