• Валериян ДОЛИДЗЕ Доктор истории


Political systems of Moldova and Georgia are emulative systems. This determines many similarities    and  problems of democratization of these countries. We should differ democratization in post-soviet countries from those democratizations which took places in the other parts of world. Post-communist democratizations are parts of broad processes  of total changes of soviet societies, which includes  simultaneous transformations of political systems ,  economic systems and social stratifications . These common features of democratizations of Georgia and Moldova determines many problems of state building in both countries. Nevertheless processes of democratization in these countries differ. Moldova has party state, where political parties are more influential actors of politics and government. Georgia has weak parties and strong bureaucracy. State is more institutionalized in Georgia than in Moldova. Because of this authoritarian development vector in Georgia is stronger than in Moldova. Democracy is more institutionalized in  Moldova than in Georgia, but governing is more effective in the last occasion than in formal. The  cultural environments  of political  processes  of these countries are quite deferent – Georgia has more homogenous cultural environment, than Moldova. An  experience of Moldova proves that progress of democratization does  not depend on the form of government.

Author Biography

Валериян ДОЛИДЗЕ, Доктор истории
Факультет социальных и политических наук Тбилисского государственного университета имени  Иванэ  Джавахишвили


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How to Cite
ДОЛИДЗЕ, Валериян. ЭМУЛЯЦИОНЫЕ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЕ СИСТЕМЫ: ГРУЗИЯ И МОЛДОВА. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], jan. 2018. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <https://test.psage.tsu.ge/index.php/Easternstudies/article/view/56>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


democratization; emulation; political party; political system; democracy; post-communism;