• Manana Darchashvili Do


In the modern age inGeorgia, the discussion about women’s involvement in politics has a permnent character. Government tries to follow and establish international standards of gender equality for encouraging women’s engagement in politics as well as other areas of state development. These actions will lead to improvement and refining electoral system, in particular proportional electoral system while increasing women’s representation.It is true that Georgian political parties often emphasise and focuse on women’s representation in politics through their pre-election period, however it is necessary to mention that they have not fullfiled their promises during the last Presidential (2013), Parliamentary (2013) andLocalMunicipality(2014) elections.Also there is an obvious interest towards the women’s political representation within civil organisations and government agencies, therefore we can hope that in the near future legislative basis will encourage women to participate and engage in politics

Author Biography

Manana Darchashvili, Do
Исследователь Института политологииГосударственного университета Ильи


1. http://www.cesko.ge/files/Documents/PDF/saxeli/daskvnebi_30_ivlisi.pdf, см. 10.09.2014
2. http://www.osce.org/ka/odihr/elections/94617?download=true Миссия по наблюдению за выборами Бюро демократических институтов и прав человека ОБСЕ, см. 12.09.2015
3.ttp://partiebi.ge/2012/index.php?action=compare&party_1_id=13&party_2_id=17&party_3_id=&thematic_id=17&lang=geo, см. 08.09.2013
4.ttp://partiebi.ge/2012/index.php?action=compare&party_1_id=13&party_2_id=17&party_3_id=&thematic_id=17&lang=geo, см. 08.09.2013
5. http://results2014.cec.gov.ge/, см. 14.08. 2015
6. http://www.cesko.ge/uploads/other/29/29271.pdf, Отчет выборов представительных и исполнительных органов власти местного самоуправления 2014 года, см. 20.10. 2015
7.http://presidenti.ge/index.php?action=compare&party_1_id=16&party_2_id=12&party_3_id=&thematic_id=55&lang=geo, см.17.09.2014
8.http://www.interpressnews.ge/ge/politika/313061-prezidentma-2015-tseli-qaltha-tslad-gamoackhada.html?ar=A, см. 12.02. 2015
9. file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/manana-kobaxidzis-gamosvla%20(1).pdf, см. 10.12. 2015
10. http://www.interpressnews.ge/photo/2015_02/0-1MAISI-2015/garibashvili-1_a9d6d.jp см. 12.11. 2015
11. http://www.interpressnews.ge/photo/2015_02/0-0SEQT-2015/kvirikashvili-2.jpg см. 11.11. 2015
How to Cite
DARCHASHVILI, Manana. УЧАСТИЕ ЖЕНЩИН В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ ГРУЗИНСКОЙ ПОЛИТИКЕ. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], jan. 2018. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <https://test.psage.tsu.ge/index.php/Easternstudies/article/view/59>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


политические партии; участие женщин; правительство; Грузия;