• Tatiana BUSUNCIAN The Moldova State University; Director Pro Marshall Center of the Republic of Moldova


This article attempts to find corruption as a major threat to democracy, the rule of law, social equity and justice, undermines the principles of effective administration and the credibility of citizens in state institutions, and endangers the market economy and the stability of state institutions. Corruption is a global security problem, regarded as a major problem for a long time, but recognized as a first-degree challenge to international security only recently to loudly state at present that corruption is a gross violation of fundamental human rights. Developing a common policy concept of security and defense at international level to optimize the fight against corruption aims at creating common databases and an institutionalized system of contacts to improve and develop a new dimension of collaboration within multinational coalitions; reforming sector services by institutional depolarization; development and implementation of a modern concept of reform; implementation of legislative and institutional changes, improving staff management and training in accordance with international standards

Author Biography

Tatiana BUSUNCIAN, The Moldova State University; Director Pro Marshall Center of the Republic of Moldova
 The Faculty of International Relations, Political Sciences and Public Administration;


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How to Cite
BUSUNCIAN, Tatiana. CORRUPTION – A MAJOR THREAT TO NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], jan. 2018. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


corruption; national and international security; democracy; rule of law; global security problem; corrupt countries; democratic transition; international environment;