• Liudmyla 2- CHEKALENKO Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine under the MFA of Ukraine


The article deals with the Ukraine’s foreign policy strategy in terms of cooperation with the GUAM member countries (with Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Moldova). The author gives brief historic flashback to 1997, when GUAM had been founded, and explains the reasons why Ukraine pledged for cooperation with neighboring countries, which pursue the European and Euro-Atlantic integration as major foreign policy direction. The article also suggests main common grounds of the GUAM countries such as oil and gas transportation to Europe, „frozen” conflicts, and opposition to strong Russian influence.

Author Biography

Liudmyla 2- CHEKALENKO, Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine under the MFA of Ukraine
Head of the Department of Foreign Policy and Diplomacy,Professor, Doctor Habil


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How to Cite
2- CHEKALENKO, Liudmyla. GUAM: UKRAINE’S STRATEGIC PROJECT. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], jan. 2018. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


GUAM; conflicts, oil and gas transportation; human rights; economic cooperation;