• Rodica 6- SVETLICINA Doctor of Historical Sciences
  • Tatiana TURCO Doctor of Political Sciences


The article analyzes the experience of government and non-governmental actors in the implementation of politics of the Diaspora management in the Republic of Moldova. The authors note that the Moldovan authorities are trying to develop a coherent state policy on the Diaspora through an integrated approach. This is reflected in the legislative and institutional framework of the state policy in the field of Diaspora. The authors believe that the architecture of the Moldovan diaspora organizations abroad varied. They are united by the fact that their activities are aimed at increasing the degree of organization of the Diaspora; preservation and development of the Moldovan culture and traditions abroad. As the results of sociological research, Moldovan migrants do not actively participate in the activity of Diaspora organizations. At the same time, it is an indicator that, on the one side, shows the mood and needs of migrants, and on the other side, opens the field of action for the implementation of the Diaspora policy. The authors conclude that the Diaspora is a valuable asset. Therefore, an important area of public policy should act to ensure connection of the Diaspora to the country of origin, based on trust and common initiatives.

Author Biographies

Rodica 6- SVETLICINA, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Associate Professor Moldova State University, Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences, Department of Political and Administrative Sciences
Tatiana TURCO, Doctor of Political Sciences
Associate Professor Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova State University, Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences Department of Political and Administrative Sciences


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How to Cite
6- SVETLICINA, Rodica; TURCO, Tatiana. EXPERIENCE GOVERNMENTAL AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ACTORS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICIES DIASPORA OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], jan. 2018. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <https://test.psage.tsu.ge/index.php/Easternstudies/article/view/67>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


diaspora, Moldovan communities, Diaspora organizations, Diaspora policy, government and non-governmental actors, the National Strategy “Diaspora-2025”.