• Natalia Tatarenco PhD, Professor


The article looks at the methodological problems that allow analyzing regularities of building relations within one state and in the global landscape. The author focuses on the description of two global paradigms - the liberal and the communitarian (solidarism) ones. The author also points out that, as applied to human community, the proposed methodological approach enables to assess the economic and social efficiency as well as the efficiency of international cooperation from a liberal and/ or communitarian perspective.The article looks at the methodological problems that allow analyzing regularities of building relations within one state and in the global landscape. The author focuses on the description of two global paradigms - the liberal and the communitarian (solidarism) ones. The author also points out that, as applied to human community, the proposed methodological approach enables to assess the economic and social efficiency as well as the efficiency of international cooperation from a liberal and/ or communitarian perspective.

Author Biography

Natalia Tatarenco, PhD, Professor
Vice Rector of Diplomatic Academy, Ukraine


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How to Cite
TATARENCO, Natalia. SOLIDARISM IN GLOBALAND NATIONAL ECONOMIES. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], jan. 2018. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


globalization paradigm, communitarianism, solidarism, individualism, liberalism, economic efficiency, social efficiency, economic nationalism;