Cultural Diplomacy Within Cooperation Between Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova

  • Veronica ROTARU PhD, senior lecturer


                  The article focuses on research into contemporary mechanisms and practices of cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova through cultural diplomacy. The author points out that cultural diplomacy illustrates a form of contemporary diplomacy aimed at informing and widening the public in other states in order to promote foreign policy through cultural aspects. In this context, the mechanisms and practices of cultural diplomacy are a reference in the socio-cultural evolution of a state, which brings great benefits to the image and state policy. Researching the possibilities of collaboration through the cultural diplomacy of the Russian Federation with the Republic of Moldova is based on the belief that cultural cooperation contributes to the understanding, development and consolidation of good-neighborly relations between Moldova and Russia. The author finds that the Republic of Moldova remains with old practices of promoting cultural diplomacy and can therefore take over some landmarks from the Russian experience of using cultural instruments. Inspiration from Russian cultural diplomacy will provide our country with new possibilities of manifesting national culture abroad.

Author Biography

Veronica ROTARU, PhD, senior lecturer
The Faculty of International Relations, Political Sciences and Public Administration. The Moldova State University


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How to Cite
ROTARU, Veronica. Cultural Diplomacy Within Cooperation Between Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], feb. 2018. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


cultural diplomacy, soft power, public diplomacy, mechanisms, practices, cooperation