Political Accommodation for Democratic Stability in the Ethnically Divided and Post-Soviet Georgia

  • Mikheil Shavtvaladze PhD, Candidate


The prospected case study attempts to investigate causal relationship between democratic stability and political accommodation in a multiethnic post-Soviet country. For this aim, the major focus of the thesis is to explore those conflict resolution approaches that can ensure better political accommodation leading to more democratic stability in post-Soviet Georgia. By focusing mostly on the last twenty-five-year Georgia’s post-Soviet political dynamics, conclusions drawn from the preliminary analysis demonstrate that compared to centralizing and majoritarian tactics employed thus far by the Georgia’s state since the restoration of its independence, political accommodation through consensual approaches have a better promising potential for stabilizing democracy in Georgia as a result of better accommodating diversities and resolve peacefully the existing ethno-territorial disputes.

Author Biography

Mikheil Shavtvaladze, PhD, Candidate
Visiting lecturer Department of Political Science, „Ivane Javakhishvili” Tbilisi State University


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Works Cited
Baglione, L. A., 2012. Writing a Research Paperin Political Science: A Practical Guide to Inquiry, Structure, and Methods. London: SAGE.
Barrington, L. et al., 2010. Part III: Political Structures: Chapter 6: Political Systems and Their Rules. In: Comparative Politics: structures&choices. Boston: WADSWORTH CENGAGE Learning, pp. 189-230.
Barry, B., 1975. Review article: Political accommodation and Consociational Democracy. British Journal of Political Science, Volume 5, pp. 477-505.
Dahl, R. a., 2015. On Democracy. 2nd ed. New Haven&London: yale University Press.
How to Cite
SHAVTVALADZE, Mikheil. Political Accommodation for Democratic Stability in the Ethnically Divided and Post-Soviet Georgia. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], feb. 2018. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <https://test.psage.tsu.ge/index.php/Easternstudies/article/view/78>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Georgia, political accommodation, democratic stability, consociationalism, integration, majoritarianism