Diaspora Lobbying European Future for the Republic of Moldova. Case Study: Participation of Moldovan Diaspora in the Last Presidential Elections

  • Andrei Enachi International Relations Department Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences Moldova State University


This article presents an account of the role of the Moldovan Diaspora in the European integration process of the Republic of Moldova. The main focus of this research is on Moldovan Diaspora participation in the presidential elections. The young Moldovan Diaspora is becoming more and more an important factor for the political process of their homeland country, having a positive effect on voter turnout and in supporting the pro- European aspirations of the Republic of Moldova. Diaspora had an important contribution to the last presidential elections held in 13th November 2016, by their mobilization of the Moldovan Diaspora in Western and European countries by showing their high interest for continuing the Europeanization process for their country.

Author Biography

Andrei Enachi, International Relations Department Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences Moldova State University
Diplomat, University Lecturer, PhD researcher


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How to Cite
ENACHI, Andrei. Diaspora Lobbying European Future for the Republic of Moldova. Case Study: Participation of Moldovan Diaspora in the Last Presidential Elections. Eastern Europe Regional Studies, [S.l.], dec. 2017. ISSN 2587-456X. Available at: <https://test.psage.tsu.ge/index.php/Easternstudies/article/view/79>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Diaspora, Republic of Moldova, Europeanization, development, European integration, political system, democracy, migration, transnational actors, countries of origin, countries of destination