Issues related to the Diaspora in the Election Programs of Georgian Political Parties during the Parliamentary Elections 2016

  • Tamar Orjonikidze


Except historical Diasporas, more than million citizens of Georgia live abroad at present. Majority of them shall be considered as temporary migrants who are gone abroad, looking for jobs. The diasporas have a great importance as for its representatives’ family also for Georgian economics. In accordance with the abovementioned Georgia needs well-planned policy regarding to Diaspora.           One of the most important challenges for Georgian political parties is study of interests of Diaspora members, their problems and ways for more close relationships with Georgia, and relevant political elaboration of the mentioned issues. In the article based on the content analysis of the pre-election platforms of political subject which participated in the 2016 parliamentary elections is discussed their visions regarding to the relationship with Diaspora.  Namely, in the work is discussed that part of the election programs of those political parties, which overcame 5% threshold and got into parliament. („Georgian Dream -  Democratic Georgia“; „United National Movement”, “Alliance of Patriots of Georgia”). Also is presented the programs of those parties which overcame 3% threshold (“Nino Burjanadze - Democratic Movement”; “Irakli Alasania – Free Democrats”; “Georgian Labour Party”; “Paata Burchuladze-State for the People”);       „Georgian Dream” related with the other parties paid great attention to diaspora in its election program. Party fixed its attention on those projects which had been already fulfilled or were planned to be implemented after their win in elections. In the Article the part of pre-election platform of “Georgian Dream” related to the Diaspora is compared with the “Migration Strategy of Georgia of 2016-2020”, which was drafted during their government period. In the election programs of “United National Movement” and “Irakli Alasania – Free Democrats” nothing was said about the Georgian citizens living abroad. „Alliance of Patriots of Georgia” in their pre-election program paid attention only on the historical Diaspora of Georgia living in Turkey. „Nino Burjanadze – Democratic Movement” regarding to the Diaspora was talking about the importance of the creation of “Georgian Houses” abroad, which would be focused on the promotion of Georgian culture. “Georgian Labour Party” discussed the importance of the “Returning Fund”, which served to the return back of Georgia to its past, their arrangement and adaptation. “Georgian Dream” in its policy regarding Diaspora may take into account initiatives of other parties. For example “Georgian Houses” and “Returning Fund”.

Author Biography

Tamar Orjonikidze
Visiting Lecturer of Tbilisi State University


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How to Cite
ORJONIKIDZE, Tamar. Issues related to the Diaspora in the Election Programs of Georgian Political Parties during the Parliamentary Elections 2016. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], may 2017. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.