Modification of Political Personification during the Presidential Election Campaign in Georgia

  • Giorgi Melikidze Associate researcher of Institute of Political Sciences


The policy has become especially personified in recent decades. The weakness of parties as a representative of public interests is named as a major reason of personalization of politics, however in other opinion, the growing influence of the media and the political elite as well as strengthen of related persons promotes personalization of politics. The post-Soviet countries, including Georgia are characterized by the personification of politics and especially election campaign. The interest in study issue selected by me is caused by the fact that the personalization of politics is especially remarkable during the presidential election and the nature of the elections itself. The electorate chooses a particular person, which significantly determines the personalization of the elections. In such a time the voter makes choice by focusing on the person, the consultants construct communication strategy based on the person and the media presents the policy at the level of individual confrontation and not in the context of program-ideological competition. In the presented article are discusses the election campaigns of five presidents in terms of personification. As a result, the main characteristics and personification types were identified in the conditions of eight election campaigns. The mentioned material creates grounds for in-depth analyzes and reasonable conclusions.


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How to Cite
MELIKIDZE, Giorgi. Modification of Political Personification during the Presidential Election Campaign in Georgia. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], n. 1, may 2019. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Personalization, Presidential Elections, Politics, Georgia