Russian-Georgian Relations in the Captivity of the Past (History and Politics)

  • Varlam Keshelava Institute of Political Sciences


Georgia had been the victim of the Russian aggression at different times. The same is true for the contemporary period. Russia, acting in em­pi­re spirit, aims at conquering the South Caucasus. The occupation of Ab­kha­zia andSouth Ossetiamarked the beginning of another round of attack Georgia.The normalization of the Georgian-Russian relations and the begi­ning of equal relations depends on the removal of the old stereotypes and will be determined by the shift in the values of the Russian citizens towards de­mocracy, transforming society according to these principles. There is no al­ternative: imperial ambitions and the cult of power should be overpowered by the real practice of democratic consciousness, rather respecting it only through declarations, according to the norms of the imperial practice.  
How to Cite
KESHELAVA, Varlam. Russian-Georgian Relations in the Captivity of the Past (History and Politics). Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], feb. 2020. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.