Educational Issues in the Pre - election Programs of Political Parties (According to the 2012 - 2016 electoral cycle)

  • Manana Darchashvili Institute of Political Sciences


It is very topical to study the issue of political party system and its institutional policy of post-Soviet Georgia. Not less important field is the educational policy  itself. However, due to existed political reality in the country, the situation leaves much to be desired. On this basis, the discussion over the educational policy issue is vital.The aim of our research is to find out the attitude of political parties, their promises and  aims, to find solution to such an important issue for the country's as education, based on the certain kind of documents.The article deals with the content analyzes and sectional division methods. Here are studied the electoral programs of 2012-2016 electoral cycle of political entities. In the paper are also analyzed the pre-electoral positions of political entities toward the field of education, based on their programs. The work shows the direction of political parties toward the education sphere find the mechanisms to solve this particular problem.At the modern stage of the country, the main goals of educational policy development are: pre-school education, general education,  professional development, higher education and to support science. In order to turnGeorgiainto regional scientific center the government needs to hold a  series of certain high level events.The leaders and members of existed political parties inGeorgiaare aware of the role of education in the process of modern state development. The state’s educational policy is based upon the “Georgia’s social and economic development strategy –Georgia2020” according to commitments in the framework of the signed association partnership agreement between Georgia and European Union.The main message of political parties’ electoral programs aimed the changes in scientific and educational system, to turn it into a solid base for Georgian democratic, economic and social development, to make it quality oriented accessible and inclusive system. Also to develop such steps which will allow Georgian educational system to gain a leadership position in region and  become  a regional educational center. 


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2. ნიდერლანდების სამეფოს საელჩოს ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით განხორციელებული პროექტი ნანა-ხია 10.11.2016
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How to Cite
DARCHASHVILI, Manana. Educational Issues in the Pre - election Programs of Political Parties (According to the 2012 - 2016 electoral cycle). Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], dec. 2020. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Parties, education, politics, programs, elections