Publications of Mikhako Tsereteli on the National Issue before his Fundamental Paper "Nation and Humanity"

  • Manana Darchashvili Institute of Political Sciences of Ilia State University


M. Tsereteli was the active political figure in the beginning of the 20th century. He was defending the idea of justice and equality with his activity, at the same time he was considering, that anarchism was the way to reach socialism.In the given work it is described the position of M. Tsereteli about the questions of international relations; in concrete, he assumed, that defending nation’s rights was the first-place necessity as exactly the nation and not a state would be the subject of discussion of international law. And exactly the nation would defend nations’ interests through the struggling for self-determination, and thus, nations’ equality would be reached in reality.The work contains the articles of M. Tsereteli from newspapers. Until today these articles were beyond the attention of science society. In 1909, in the newspaper ,,Droeba” M. Tsereteli published the Series of articles united under the common name ,,Four Notions,” that reflects the main notions of nationalism, such as ,,Nationalism,” ,,Internationalism,” ,,Chauvinism” and ,,Cosmopolitism“.


ჟურნ., “ერი“, 19010წ. , #12.
გაზ., „ამირანი“,1908წ., #6.
გაზ., „დროება“, 1909წ., 190.
ჟურნ., „საქართველოს მოამბე“, 1909წ., #4.
გაზ., „დროება“, 1909წ., #167.
გაზ., „დროება“, 1909წ., # 168.
გაზ., „დროება“, 1909წ., # 169.
ჟურნ., “საქართველოს მოამბე“, 1909წ. #7.
გაზ., „დროება“, 1909წ., #125
ჟურნ., „საქართველოს მოამბე“, 1909წ., #5.
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How to Cite
DARCHASHVILI, Manana. Publications of Mikhako Tsereteli on the National Issue before his Fundamental Paper "Nation and Humanity". Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], dec. 2020. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.