The Rise of the Right-Wing Political Forces in France and the Successful Rebranding of the National Rally”

  • Eka Darbaidze Researcher of the Institute of Political Sciences of Ilia State University


 Existing displeasure about multiculturalism, economic and growing migration criticism has led to an intensification of the threat of terrorism by activating radical right-wing political organizations in the EU. Strengthening their influence has made it impossible for Europe to repeatedly deny that radical right-wing forces are supported and Popularized in France, the Netherlands, Germany and Hungary. In France, "National Unity" is an ultra-right political organization, it was considered as an openly fascist and extremist party in French society, which couldn’t reflect the demands of the society and consequently failed to respond to the political agenda of the French state.  However, after Marine Le Pen became the leader of the mentioned political organization, she led the party to significant structural changes, and managed to mobilize a significant part of the French electorate around her.The purpose of the article is to determine what factors have led to increased support for ultra-right-wing political forces and their political sympathies among French voters? During the economic crisis unemployment has become one of the most important challenges in many European countries, including France. The right of shelter and employment for migrants increases competition for low-paying jobs in the service sector, which has further exacerbated resistance to migrants in a relatively poor population. Changes in the party's political discourse, economic challenges and migrant crises are the factors that have contributed to the emergence of ‘national unity’ as one of the strongest anti-systemic movements in France. The policies and decisions proposed by the FN respond well to the demands of the French electorate, which for several years has experienced economic, political and identity crises and has been frustrated by the activities of mainstream parties in the French political landscape. 


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How to Cite
DARBAIDZE, Eka. The Rise of the Right-Wing Political Forces in France and the Successful Rebranding of the National Rally”. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], dec. 2020. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


“French National Front”, “National Unity”, Radical Right Party, Populism, Ultra-Right Forces.