Parliamentary Elections of Georgia 2020 Party Funding

  • Tamar Orjonikidze Assistant researcher of Institute of Political Sciences


Parliamentary elections were held in Georgia on October 31, 2020. According to the amendments, when the parties only needed to cross the 1% threshold to enter parliament, the threshold was crossed by 9 parties and the representatives of these parties were granted the status of members of parliament.Political parties try to win the votes of the population not only for parliamentary seats, but also their financing depends on the votes received in the elections. The two main ways to get funding for them are budget funding and donations. Unequal distribution of donations (in most cases in favor of the ruling party) creates an unequal pre-election environment for the opposing parties, which to some extent also affects the choice of the population. Uninformed choices hinder the development of the country. The 2020 elections were no exception, and the ruling party again surpassed all rivals in terms of donations, although the elections were still different from previous years. In this paper we will try to present the budget funding and donations in the pre-election period for the 9 parties that overcame the 1% threshold in the proportional system and entered the parliament. The paper will rely on NGO surveys and reports, CEC data, information published in the media and official documents published by the Audit Office of the Financing Department of Party.

Author Biography

Tamar Orjonikidze, Assistant researcher of Institute of Political Sciences
PhD Student of Political Sciences of Tbilsis State University


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How to Cite
ORJONIKIDZE, Tamar. Parliamentary Elections of Georgia 2020 Party Funding. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], dec. 2020. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Parliamentary Elections of Georgia; Party funding; Donations; Budget funding.