The Nagorno Karabakh Conflict - Positions of the ethnically Armenianian, Azerbaijani and Georgian Citizens of Georgia (Analyzing Debates on Social Platform Facebook)

  • Tina Tskhovrebadze Assistant researcher of the Institute of Political Sciences of Ilia State University


The South Caucasus region is known for ethnic diversity and multicultural reasons and also for the conflicts in the countries of the region: Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan has different kind of aspects. Most of features impact internal politics in each country of the South Caucasus region and give new direction in interregional relationships of the Caucasus countries and their neighbours. The paper discusses opinions regarding the conflict in the Nagorno Karabakh viewed from the perspective of society of Georgia. As long as both the Armenians and the Azerbaijanis live in Georgia, it is interesting to study the attitudes of those two ethnic groups and the mainstream ideas of ethnic Georgian citizens of Georgia. The research uses a Qualitative research Content analysis method.  The research materials are Facebook pages of the popular two news platforms –“The Netgazeti” and “The Radio Tavisufleba” (“The Radio Freedom”) that cover news on the Nagorno Karabakh, and Facebook users have an opportunity to express their opinions in regard the issue. The challenge of the study was possible regulations of the editing board of the news platform on Facebook, according to the rules the comments with the content of hate speech, aggression and disrespecting others’ freedom, are deleted. As a result, the research gives a picture of the general opinions of the Georgian society about the ongoing process in the Caucasus Region.
How to Cite
TSKHOVREBADZE, Tina. The Nagorno Karabakh Conflict - Positions of the ethnically Armenianian, Azerbaijani and Georgian Citizens of Georgia (Analyzing Debates on Social Platform Facebook). Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], dec. 2020. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Turkey, Ethnic Minorities, Nagorno Karabakh