The “Other” 25 February: Newspapers of February 25, 1921 Printed in Tbilisi

  • Malkhaz Matsaberidze Assistant researcher of Institute of Political Sciences


The article deals with the newspapers printed in Tbilisi on February 25, 1921 (“Sakhartvelos Respublika”/”The Republic of Georgia”, “Sakhartvelo”/”Georgia” and “Ertoba”/“Unity”). The Georgian army, according to the decision of the command, unexpectedly left Tbilisi on late evening of February 24. On February 25 the Russian Red Army entered Tbilisi. Meantime, the newspapers printed on the same day appealed for a firm resistance to the enemy. The occupying government prohibited publication of independent press; only couple of issues of the newspaper “Ertoba”/”Unity” was published in Kutaisi.The newspapers published on February 25, 1921 are important sources for the study of the attitudes of those-times. The materials published in these newspapers attest the assessment of existing situation at that time and reflect hopes and expectations of battles waged by the Georgian forces. The newspapers published on February 25 could be grouped into the following categories: 1. Reflection of battles: a). Reports on mobilization and on battle activities; b). General assessment of the ongoing war; c). Organization of the defense of Tbilisi; d). The regions of Georgia for the defense of the motherland; e). Reports on the victims of the war; f). Situation on occupied territories; 2. Reflection of the existing situation in the Caucasus: a). Rebellion in Armenia; b). Situation in Azerbaijan and in the North Caucasus; 3. Criticism of Bolsheviks: a). Situation in the Soviet Russia; b). Anti-Georgian activities of Bolsheviks; c). Crimes conducted by the Russian Red Army during the incursion in Georgia; 4. Expectations for support: a). Address to the League of Nations and reports on the support of Georgia from the side of the West; b). Information published in the Western newspapers on the attack of the Soviet Russia to Georgia.

Author Biography

Malkhaz Matsaberidze, Assistant researcher of Institute of Political Sciences
Institute of Political Sciences


„ერთობა“, 25.02.1921
„საქართველო“, 25.02.1921
„საქართველოს რესპუბლიკა“, 25.02.1921
How to Cite
MATSABERIDZE, Malkhaz. The “Other” 25 February: Newspapers of February 25, 1921 Printed in Tbilisi. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], jan. 2021. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


The Democratic Republic of Georgia. The War of February-March, 1921. The Georgian Press. 25th February. The Soviet Russia. The Red Army.