The 30 Years of Georgia’s Independence: Achievements and Failures on the Way of Democratization and State Building

  • Givi Silagadze Assistant researcher of Institute of Political Sciences
  • Nino Abzianidze Doctor of Political Sciences


The study highlights and analyses important developments of political and social processes in Georgia during the 30 years of state independence of the country. It sets the dynamics of the democratization and state-building process of Georgia. As a result of the conducted focus group and survey of 44 experts, the foreign policy and building of state institutions could be considered as the most successful realms of political life; nevertheless, there are some regressions in the latter during the last years. There is some progress in democratic development, although accompanied with some notable problems. For example, there is a low phase of improvement in the following key sectors: independence of the court, supremacy of law, balance between the branches of the government and the existence of counter-balancing between them. Security and social-economic sectors are the least successful spheres of the country.


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How to Cite
SILAGADZE, Givi; ABZIANIDZE, Nino. The 30 Years of Georgia’s Independence: Achievements and Failures on the Way of Democratization and State Building. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], feb. 2021. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Georgia; Achievements and Failures; Democratic Development; State Building.