Development of the Economic Dimension of Culture: From Culture Industry to Creative Industry

  • Elene Toidze Assistant researcher of Institute of Political Sciences


Cultural Economy has been increasingly getting in the agenda of national governments or international organisations for the last two decades and overall importance of the topic has been increased from the scientific as well as public policy perspectives. In parallel with this, different countries, research, or international organisations use different terms to describe the economic dimension of culture, that creates a chain of ambiguity for policymakers as well as individuals interested in scientific study of the field. This paper tries to depict the process of coalescing economic and cultural aspects on a chronological scale, in the light of key social and political changes and identify the developments affecting emergence of related terms. Development of this process is linked with three milestones and corresponding terms and is divided into periods of – Culture Industry, Cultural Industries and Creative Industries.


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How to Cite
TOIDZE, Elene. Development of the Economic Dimension of Culture: From Culture Industry to Creative Industry. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], feb. 2021. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Culture Economy, Culture Policy, Culture Industry, Cultural Industries, Creative Industries.