The Influence of Cyber Cryme Methods on the Contemporary World

  • Vladimeri Napetvaridze Assistant researcher of Institute of Political Sciences; Doctor of Political Sciences of Tbilisi State University


The 21st century is fairly considered the age of information technology. Although the process of internetization has been going on globally for just three decades, it can be said that digital technologies have radically changed all areas of human life. The world is becoming more and more dependent on modern technologies, which play a big role in the development of humanity.Although the Internet is one of the major achievements of the 21st century, the dangers that accompany this phenomenon cannot be ignored. The development of the Internet has given rise to new cyber dimensions and consequently cyber threats. The digital world has given a wide range of opportunities to everyone, including cybercriminals who are trying to use modern technology to harm citizens or state institutions.The aim of this paper is to identify the methods of cybercrime that pose a threat to both individuals and states in the modern world.  Discussion each of them, and assessment the Georgian reality from the perspective of cyber security.


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How to Cite
NAPETVARIDZE, Vladimeri. The Influence of Cyber Cryme Methods on the Contemporary World. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], mar. 2021. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Georgia; Cyber security; Cyber criminal