Lobbying the Georgian economy in the US

  • Mariana Kevkhishvili Assistant researcher of Institute of Political Sciences; PhD candidate of Political Science of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


One of the most important challenges for Georgia is the growth and development of the country's economy, which requires active work in various directions. One of the contributing factors is the continuation of work on bilateral trade and investment relations with the United States, as our country's strategic partner, and the launch of a free trade agreement.For this purpose, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia started economic lobbying of Georgia in the USA in 2019 and hired three lobbying companies for that.One of such hired companies is Hulsen Media Services LLC, with which the contract is signed by the Ambassador of Georgia to the United States Giorgi Tsikolia.Registrant will assist The Minsistry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia with outreach to state and federal lawmakers, US businesses and US audiences to raise awareness about economic opportunities presented by the country of Georgia, Outreach may include print, TVand digital ads.  This company placed ad time on cable television inWashington, D.C, and Dallas Texas Media Markets. The company received $ 542,410 USD for the project alone.Also under the leadership of Ambassador Giorgi Tsikolia, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia hired the company JPW Communication. Registrant will also help interested businesses advocate for elevated U.S.-Georgia trade relations. Outreach will include meetings betweenU.S.and Georgia interests.Hill and Knowlton Strategies, LLC is another hired company with a contract signed by the then Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia Giorgi Kobulia. This company works closely with the two companies mentioned and offers the same services to its clients. Underscore the need for theUnited States to expand its already close relationship withGeorgia as a reliable ally.H+K will work with the Client to encourage increased trade and investment between the United States of America and Georgia, in order to do this, company  will:  Conduct opinion research; Develop and recruit members for a regional business coalition, and design a website for said coalition.Client shall pay a project fee of $750,000 for H+K services, payable in seven equa) monthly installments of $107.142.86 USD.This company describes in detail about arranging meetings for the client, materials published in the media and other activities. The contracts with all three lobbying firms are currently terminated and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development does not currently have a lobbyist operating in the US.  


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How to Cite
KEVKHISHVILI, Mariana. Lobbying the Georgian economy in the US. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], mar. 2021. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <https://test.psage.tsu.ge/index.php/Politics/article/view/251>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Lobbyinგ, economy, government of georgia