The Political TV Advertisement during the Election Campaign of the Parliamentary Elections of 2020 in Georgia: The Thematic Aspect

  • Nino Maisuradze Assistant researcher of Institute of Political Sciences; Ph.D. candidate of Political Sciences of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


Political advertising is one of the main elements of the election campaign. Political advertising includes newspaper ads, billboards, brochures, articles, flyers, digital and social media advertising, Radio and television advertisements…The paper analyses only the advertisements of political parties during the electoral campaign of the parliamentary elections of 2020 in Georgia. Out of the 60 electoral subjects 39 used at least 1 advertisement. In terms of the content of the advertisement the negative campaign and the social promises dominated, used by 8 and 7 political parties respectively. A particular attention was paid to the issue of economy (5 political parties) and banking policy (3 parties). There were advertisements simply listing the majoritarian candidates (4 parties), highlighting ideological context (4 parties) and referring to historical figures (3 parties). Two political parties capitalized on their political experience and only 1 political party referred to the religious symbols.Political advertising can be both, paid and free. Both types of political advertisements are allowed in Georgia during pre-election periods. Candidates and political parties are granted with free political advertising or spots primarily in the public service media, but this doesn’t mean that free political advertisements can’t be placed on the other private channels too, along with paid political advertisements.


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გამოყენებული ინტერნეტ რესურსები
(სატელევიზიო პოლიტიკური რეკლამები)
How to Cite
MAISURADZE, Nino. The Political TV Advertisement during the Election Campaign of the Parliamentary Elections of 2020 in Georgia: The Thematic Aspect. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], mar. 2021. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Political TV advertisement; Parliamentary elections; Negative campaign; Political parties