The Concepts of the Ridigal Right and Extremism: The Main Approaches and the Analysis of the Georgian Language Literature

  • Sandro Tabatadze Assistant researcher of Institute of Political Sciences; Ph.D. student in Political Science of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


Nowadays, the issue of radical/extreme/far right is getting more and more popular. The same trend can be seen inGeorgia, where the given issue is salient in dozens of academic works. However, terminological ambiguity is playing a key role as authors use different concepts in the same context. The article aims to compare the major findings of the concepts of radical and extreme right-wing and to critically overview and analyze the academic literature published in Georgian. Therefore, combination of document analysis and quantitative content-analysis allow us to assess relevant online-published papers. The results show that both university and research organization-affiliated authors neglect the problem of terminological ambiguity. The article is one of the first attempts of bibliographic analysis in the sub-field and can be used as a map for interested scholars.  


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How to Cite
TABATADZE, Sandro. The Concepts of the Ridigal Right and Extremism: The Main Approaches and the Analysis of the Georgian Language Literature. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], sep. 2021. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Right-wing radicalism, Right-wing extremism, far right, Georgian politics; literature analysis.