Ivane Javakhishvili and the Union of (Non-Party) Independents

  • Malkhaz Matsaberidze Doctor of Political Sciences


Ivane Javakhishvili actively cooperated with the Georgian political parties on the issues of maintenance of the national distinctiveness and building the statehood of Georgia; although he became the member of the political party the Union of (Non-Party) Independents, which was created in July, 1918. The party was striving to contribute to the democratic development of Georgia. The Union of (Non-Party) Independents first tried to form the alliance with the National Democratic Party to run in the elections of the Constituent Assembly of Georgia (1919), although later opted to participate independently in the elections. In the electoral list of the party Ivane Javakhishvili was listed as N2. The Union of (Non-Party) Independents did not manage to secure even a seat in the Constituent Assembly of Georgia. During the existence of the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921) the Union of (Non-Party) Independents was very active and Ivane Javakhishvili participated in various activities organized by the party. In January, 1921, the Democratic Party of Georgia was created, which united all non-Socialist parties of those times, among them was the Union of (Non-Party) Independents.

Author Biography

Malkhaz Matsaberidze, Doctor of Political Sciences
Professor at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


ადგილობრივი პრესა დამფუძნებელ კრების შესახებ (გაზეთ "ერთობის" მიმოხილვა) - "ერთობა", 15 მარტი 1919 წელი
კიდევ საზღვრების შესახებ - გაზ. „საქართველო“, 8 მარიამობისთვე 1919 წ. N 168, გვ.1
მაყაშვილი მ. 2014. დღიური. თბილისი
პროგრამები, 2008 - საქართველოს პოლიტიკური პარტიების პროგრამები (1906-1921). კრებული 1, თბ., „ახალი აზრი“.
საზღვრების საკითხი - გაზ. „საქართველო“, 5 მარიამობისთვე 1919 წ. N 165, გვ.1
საჯარო კრება საზღვრების შესახებ - გაზ. „საქართველო“, 5 მარიამობისთვე 1919 წ. N 165, გვ.1
How to Cite
MATSABERIDZE, Malkhaz. Ivane Javakhishvili and the Union of (Non-Party) Independents. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], july 2022. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <https://test.psage.tsu.ge/index.php/Politics/article/view/278>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Ivane Javakishvili, Georgia, the Democratic Republic of Georgia, the Union of (Non-Party) Independents