Energy supply Freedom of the Europe Union and the South Caucasus Region

  • Tina Tskhovrebadze Assistant researcher of Institute of Political Sciences


The war launched by Russia in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, clarified to the European states and the democratic world the need to rethink the supplier of energy resources, their transit routes, and forms of transition. It is a fact, that Russia hoped that Europe, dependent on its energy resources, would refrain, or take a limited position while representing its supportive position regarding the Russian armed intervention in Ukraine. In this case, Russia has once again made a mistake in calculating the expected scenario of war with Ukraine and is trying to hinder the efforts of European states to find alternative sources for the energy needs of their population.On May 18, 2022, the European Commission adopted the "Strategy for an EU external energy engagement." According to the document, it can be said that two types of states were distinguished: the first are countries that will supply the EU states with the necessary energy, and the second group includes states for energy transit. Discussions on the strategic importance of the Southern Gas Corridor have been renewed. Thus, in the next ten years, the South Caucasus region will acquire an even more crucial geopolitical role, Azerbaijan - due to its natural resources, and Georgia - due to its transit potential, the potential of Armenia is yet to be seen, but there are some signs whether or not Armenia will be involved in the process. Based on the given situation, the main question arises: what is the impact of the EU energy policy challenges on the political development of the South Caucasus, and how the Caucasus countries can coordinate in the process of shaping the new energy policy of the European Union?  

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German Concil on Foreign Relations, External Publications. (2011, ნოემბერი 1) The Southern Gas Corridor and the South Caucasus. ნანახია 21.11.2022 17:45 სთ-ზე.
ევროკომისია. (2022, მაისი 18), ევროკავშირის საგარეო ენერგო ჩართულობა ცვალებად მსოფლიოში. ნანახია, 15.11.2022 14:15 სთ-ზე
How to Cite
TSKHOVREBADZE, Tina. Energy supply Freedom of the Europe Union and the South Caucasus Region. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], dec. 2022. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.
კონფერენციის მასალები/Conference materials


Energy policy of the EU, transit potential of the Southern Caucasus, The Southern Gas Corridor, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine