Russia's "soft power" in Georgia - economic factors

  • Mertsia khundadze Assistant researcher of Institute of Political Sciences


"Soft power" is the best way to build power in the post space. Since Russia has to look like a "hard power", although there is no foreign vector in the South Caucasus, the goal of various propaganda tools is to achieve its goals and use different mechanisms of "soft power" for this. Among them is one of the most important economic factors, which can be decisive for the future of our country. We’d analyzed the economic direction of Russian "soft power" in Georgia. Economic independence is second proportional to the independence and development of the state. In Georgia, the more the dependence and interlinking of the economy with Russia increases, the more control over various fields.The report was prepared using the monthly method, in particular, the search for relevant literature and interviews, which content analysis was processed, as this part required an in-depth analysis. Also some in-depth interviews with industry experts and specialists. 


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ჭარაია, ვ., ანგურიძე, ო., გულბანი, შ., სექტორი 3. სექტორული ანალიზი, რუსეთის ფაქტორი ქართულ ეკონომიკაში. ჰაბი განვითარებისთვის. ნანახია: 29.11.2022
How to Cite
KHUNDADZE, Mertsia. Russia's "soft power" in Georgia - economic factors. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], dec. 2022. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.
კონფერენციის მასალები/Conference materials


Russia, economy, soft power.