Comprehending the National-Democratic Ideology in Georgia (1918-1921)

  • Malkhaz Matsaberidze Doctor of Political Sciences; Professor of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


The paper deals with the essays published in the Georgian press of 1917-1921 on the national-democratic ideology in Georgia. The comprehension of the conception of the national democracy inGeorgiawas actualized in the Spring, 1917, after the creation of the National-Democratic Party. The national democracy is the form of the national ideology, that tries to distance itself from the right-wing non-democratic parties on the one hand and from the left-wing social-democratic parties on the other hand. The new wave of reflection on the national-democratic ideology started in January, 1921, when all non-socialist democratic parties and groups ofGeorgiawere united and the Democratic Party of Georgia was formed. Although, the War of February-March, 1921 and the occupation of Georgia by the Red Army of Russia, which was followed by the establishment of the Communist totalitarian regime and the annexation of the country, stopped the democratic development of Georgia and the entire political spectrum came under severe repressions. 


• ს.დანელია. ტერმინი „ეროვნული დემოკრატია“ – „საქართველო“, 1921 წ. 27 იანვარი N 19, გვ.2
• ს. კედია. ეროვნული დემოკრატია - „საქართველო“, 1917
• ა. ხახანაშვილი. ჩვენი იდეოლოგიისათვის - „საქართველო“, 1919 წ. 15 აპრილი, N 83
• M. Matsaberidze 2014 - The Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918–21) and the search for the Georgian Model of Democracy - The Making of Modern Georgia, 1918–2012, 141-160
• Malkhaz Matsaberidze, 2019 - Constituent Assembly of Georgia and Formation of Party System -
How to Cite
MATSABERIDZE, Malkhaz. Comprehending the National-Democratic Ideology in Georgia (1918-1921). Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], dec. 2022. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.
კონფერენციის მასალები/Conference materials


Georgia; National-Democracy; Political Ideologies.