Virtual community and its importance: the cases of “Girchi and “Girchi – More Freedom”

  • Ketevan Tsulukidze


 The article examines virtual communities and their importance in the process of conducting party politics and decision-making, in particular on the example of the parties "Girchi" and "Girchi - More Freedom". The influence and importance of social media in politics is increasing day by day, not only inGeorgia, but around the world. Hence the issue is still relevant for political science. The article focuses on parties and the peculiarities of their use of social media, the need and influence of virtual communities in parties. For comparison, two of the youngest parties inGeorgiaare taken, which call themselves the "digital" parties. Based on the existing research and conducted interviews, the aim of the article is to understand the importance of virtual communities for political parties and what their characteristics are. 


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How to Cite
TSULUKIDZE, Ketevan. Virtual community and its importance: the cases of “Girchi and “Girchi – More Freedom”. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], feb. 2023. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Virtual communities, Party-based communication, fundraising, girchi, girchi – meti freedom