The Concept of Nation and the National Question according to Akaki Chkhenkeli

  • Nino Maisuradze Institute of Political Sciences


One of the reasons why the figure of Akaki Chkhenkeli stands out among Georgian Social Democrats is his stance on the national question, which differs from the opinions of other Georgian Social Democrats. In this qualitative research, I aim to examine Akaki Chkhenkeli's approach to the national question and the importance of his theory in the process of forming the modern Georgian nation into a political nation during the beginning of the twentieth century. To do this, I will use the method of secondary source analysis and interpretation. Akaki Chkhenkeli entered the political arena in the late nineteenth century, dedicating his efforts to addressing various issues, including the interplay between the nation-state and its relationship with mankind, as well as the essence and defining characteristics of a nation.


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How to Cite
MAISURADZE, Nino. The Concept of Nation and the National Question according to Akaki Chkhenkeli. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], dec. 2023. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.