Defense of the Caucasus in 1942 in Soviet and post-Soviet school textbooks of Georgian and world history

  • Tamar Orjonikidze Institute of Political Sciences


       During the Second World War (1939-1945), the Soviet Union used Georgia's natural and human resources as much as possible. Those conscripted into the Red Army from Georgia fought against fascism, although their struggle was aimed at protecting democracy and freedom in the world, they themselves were deprived of both. In this battle, Georgia made the greatest sacrifice, and a large part of this sacrifice was caused by the mistakes made by the Soviet civil and military leadership, and the heartless attitude towards human life.       The purpose of the research is to study how Georgia's participation in the defense of the Caucasus in the Second World War is presented in Soviet and post-Soviet school textbooks of Georgian and world history. The research is based on the content analysis of 2 textbooks published in the Soviet period and 10 textbooks published in the post-Soviet period. During the research, the following are taken into account: a) the volume of the presented material; b) evaluative side and basic provisions; c) Submitted photo or documentary material.          When comparing the Soviet and post-Soviet manuals, we can highlight several factors that distinguish or unite the mentioned works: a/ Different data on the people who were drafted into the war (600 thousand, 700 thousand...) and those who died (200 thousand, 300 thousand...); b/ Assessment - was it or not "Patriotic" war for Georgia; c/  Evaluation - the importance of victory in the battle for the Caucasus  ; d/  Contribution to the victory (party, government, party figures, military...


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How to Cite
ORJONIKIDZE, Tamar. Defense of the Caucasus in 1942 in Soviet and post-Soviet school textbooks of Georgian and world history. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], dec. 2023. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Georgia; Soviet Union; second World War; The fight for the Caucasus.