Student Movement in Georgia

  • Ana Japharidze Assistant researcher of Institute of Political Sciences


  In Georgian state universities, particularly Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Ilia State University, persistent student activism has spurred an examination of the higher education management model and our academic environment. This study aims to delineate the impact of government influence on state universities in Georgia by analyzing obtained results within the framework of academic managerialism. Academic managerialism in Georgia's state universities correlates with problems leading to student protests, highlighting challenges in higher education.  The research employs a qualitative approach, including a comparative analysis of the statutes of the two universities, an examination of various practices, and a qualitative analysis of relevant literature on governance reforms. In-depth interviews with five purposively selected respondents, comprising researchers, activists, individuals with a keen interest, and representatives from university governing bodies, provide insights.  The study addresses the concerns surrounding "academic managerialism" in Georgia, as it faces criticism in the international scientific community and contributes significantly to the understanding of the complex issues faced by state universities in the country.  The findings indicate that excessive governmental influence, exacerbated by academic managerialism, hampers the development of the academic environment in Georgia's state universities.


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How to Cite
JAPHARIDZE, Ana. Student Movement in Georgia. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], jan. 2024. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.


Academic Managerialism, Governance of Higher Education, Student Activism, Problems of Academic Space, State Universities, Government Influence, Student Participation, Student Self-government, Student Movements.