Georgia's European choice: history and modernity

  • Otar Janelidze Doctor of historical sciences, researcher of the Institute of Political Science of Ilia State University.


Does Georgia belong to Europe? Is it east or west? Are we Asia or Europe? The questions are vital to Georgia because the answer to them determines the political, ideological or cultural orientation of the country.During its existence, Georgia represented a country with European aspirations. It not only turned to the West, but in a number of cases was in the sphere of interests of that or another European state. This, among other factors, contributed to the spiritual closeness of the West and Georgia, based on Christian culture and civilization.Despite that, the West was not able to provide practical help to Georgia, which largely determined the fact that Georgia was conquered by its northern neighbor - Russia and, introduced into the imperial orbit of the Romanovs.With the restoration of statehood and the creation of the Democratic Republic of Georgia on May 26, 1918, our country got a chance to "return to the European family". In 1918-1921, many countries of the West recognized the independence of Georgia, some, of them established commercial and economic contacts with it in addition to diplomatic ones. However, these relationships did not develop. Bolshevik Russia occupied Georgia in February-March 1921, and was again submitted to its influence.The collapse of the Soviet Union gave our country the prospect of getting closer to the West once again. Post-Soviet Georgia, especially after the Revolution of 2003, chose the course of unification in the Euro-Atlantic space. Integration with the West, establishing a place in the European and Euro-Atlantic political, economic and, defense systems is currently the main priority of Georgia's foreign policy.


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How to Cite
JANELIDZE, Otar. Georgia's European choice: history and modernity. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], june 2024. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.