Regional Peculiarities of Self-government Elections (On the example of elections of Batumi Mayor)

  • Irakli Manvelidze Professor of Batumi State University


The analysis of the election campaign of City hall shows that Mayoral candidates didn't have clearly defined the election programs understandable for the population, which was conditioned by that they didn't/t have collected preliminary information about the urgent topics for the population, therefore there was not examined the public opinion and the more they haven't study the opponent. Mayoral candidates have not studied the existing information; have not revealed the strong and weak sides of participants of the campaign. Besides, it was not processed the strategy of elections: determining the addressee groups, problems, goals, strategies and key slogans; accordingly, it was not planned, I. e. all the above-listed facts have not taken in the campaign's plan. 

Author Biography

Irakli Manvelidze, Professor of Batumi State University
Political Sciences
How to Cite
MANVELIDZE, Irakli. Regional Peculiarities of Self-government Elections (On the example of elections of Batumi Mayor). Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], dec. 2017. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.