Georgia: The attempt of lay down the party behavior ethical code in pre-election period (2012 and 2016 years)

  • Natia Zedginidze


We have got a problem of fair,free and democratic elections in Georgia today. The battle between political parties is a battle for gaining the authority what is out of ethic and fairness and all in all, humpers to stabilize the political process. It is important that politicians can’t get used to this situation and it is happened regularly to lay down the “party behavior ethical code” from political parties in pre-election period.The target of this article is to research the attempts of laying down the party behavior ethical code in Georgia 2012-2016 years. The method of research is content-analyze. The question which is discussed in this article hasn’t been studied yet.On 14 july in 2012 the governmental party ‘’National Movement” was published the declaration with its 4 stages about the rules of political party behavior during the election company in the reason of fair, free and peaceful elections.All in all, this declaration consisted 5 stages and 17 recommendations after including political parties and nongovernmental sector. This declaration was realized as a PR action of government by the main opposition coalition ‘’Georgian dream”.The same happened before the parlament elections in 2016. On 20  june in 2016, the presenters of ‘’Free Democrates” were presented the project ‘’ about ethical rules in election period” by Viktor Dolidze at the parlament session. This project wasn’t approved by ‘’National Movement”. Admittedly, this party was an initiator of the similar document several years ago when it was the government party.On 21 September, in 2016, the leading party ‘’Georgian dream-Democratic Georgia’’ was published “ Peace Memorandum”. This document was called just a blank paper by the main opposition party which is  “National movement” and didn’t join them.Above-mentioned initiatives can’t be called the ethical code of political party behavior, because it is an idea of not hampering political parties to each other in election companies, but ethical behavior in politics shouldn’t be run out of it. Ethic’s aim is to study moral behavior practically and prove fairness in society what isn’t realized from political parties in this initiatives.

Author Biography

Natia Zedginidze
Visiting Lecturer of Tbilisi State University


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How to Cite
ZEDGINIDZE, Natia. Georgia: The attempt of lay down the party behavior ethical code in pre-election period (2012 and 2016 years). Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], may 2017. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.