The Main Trends of Development of the Radical Far-Right in the EU Member Countries (The Case of the 2010s)

  • Levan Lortkiphanidze Ph.D. candidate of political sciences of Tbilisi State University


 The paper discusses the concept and the criteria of radical right wing parties, according to which a political organization can be categorized. Moreover, the study examines the history and the causes of origin and rise of radical right-wing parties. The article outlines different subgroups belonging to the radical right-wing parties. The author attempts to differentiate such terms as right-wing populism, right wing extremism, right wing nationalism, and Euroscepticism. Additionally, the parallels are drawn between the examples of transformation of the European and the Georgian party systems.  
How to Cite
LORTKIPHANIDZE, Levan. The Main Trends of Development of the Radical Far-Right in the EU Member Countries (The Case of the 2010s). Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], july 2018. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.