Political education in Georgia: Analysis and Challenges of the Current Situation

  • Irakli Manvelidze Doctor of Public Administration;
  • Ineza Zoidze Doctor of History, ,
  • Natalia Lazba Doctor of History;


After the restoration of the state independence of Georgia in the field of social sciences, the attitude and assessment of political education has changed. Despite the reliance on ideology and academic disciplines, including the principles of policy sciences, their development in line with formal or informal rules that stand far from real institutionalization frameworks. Moreover, the latter acquired sharply differentiated and less regular character. One of the most challenging tasks in the general public is the revival of the structure, content and learning methods of political education. To change not only the list and methods of political education, but also the science of science facing a difficult task to ensure the formation of ideas and ideas that are respond well to the achievements of the world civilization, the fair state and the development of civil society.

Author Biographies

Irakli Manvelidze, Doctor of Public Administration;
Associate Professor Batumi Shota Rustaveli state University;
Ineza Zoidze, Doctor of History, ,
Associate Professor Batumi Shota Rustaveli state University
Natalia Lazba, Doctor of History;
Assistant Professor Batumi Shota Rustaveli state University;


1. თბი¬ლი¬სის ივ¬ა¬ნე ჯა¬ვა¬ხიშ¬ვი¬ლის სა¬ხე¬ლო¬ბის სა¬ხელ¬მწი¬ფო უნ¬ივ¬ერ¬სი¬ტე¬ტის სო¬ცი¬ალ¬ურ და პო¬ლი-ტი¬კურ მეც¬ნი¬ერ¬ებ¬ა¬თა ფა¬კულ¬ტე¬ტის ვებ-გვერ¬დი - https://www.tsu.ge/ge/faculties/social/news/
2. დე¬მოკ¬რა¬ტია და მო¬ქა¬ლა¬ქე¬ო¬ბა, სა¬კით¬ხა¬ვი მა¬სა¬ლა სტუ¬დენ¬ტე¬ბი¬სათ¬ვის, avtorebi გრი¬ერ ბუ¬რო¬უ¬სი, ზა¬ზა რუ¬ხა¬ძე, მა¬რი¬ნე კვა¬ჭა¬ძე, ლე¬ლა გაფ¬რინ¬დაშ¬ვი¬ლი, ლე¬ვან იზ¬ორ¬ია, სა¬კით¬ხა¬ვი მა¬სა¬ლა შე¬მუ¬შა¬ვე¬ბუ¬ლია სა¬არ¬ჩევ¬ნო სის¬ტე¬მე¬ბის სა¬ერ¬თა¬შო¬რი¬სო ფონ¬დის მი¬ერ პრო¬ექ¬ტის ”ნდო¬ბის გაზრ¬და სა¬არ¬ჩევ¬ნო პრო¬ცე¬სე¬ბი-სად¬მი” (ITEP) ფარ¬გლებ¬ში. თბი¬ლისი, 2011
3. სა¬მო¬ქა¬ლა¬ქო გა¬ნათ¬ლე¬ბა ყვე¬ლას¬თვის, იხ. ბმულ¬ზე http://www.civiceducation.ge/ka/lessons
How to Cite
MANVELIDZE, Irakli; ZOIDZE, Ineza; LAZBA, Natalia. Political education in Georgia: Analysis and Challenges of the Current Situation. Politics / პოლიტიკა, [S.l.], july 2018. ISSN 2449-2833. Available at: <https://test.psage.tsu.ge/index.php/Politics/article/view/94>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.