The Birth of the Parliament of Democratic Republic of Georgia

  • Paata Surguladze


This article deals with the factors that influenced the revival of Georgia’s state independence and the birth of the Parliament of Democratic Republic of Georgia.
The situation in Georgia after the 1917 February Revolution in the Russian Empire is discussed. The views of political parties concerning the solution of national problem are of no less importance. The steps of national forces towards this goal are addressed. In addition, the revival of autocepaly of the Georgian Apostolic Orthodox Church, the creation of the Interpar- tial Council and the first national conference held in November 1917 by this Council are discussed. The foundation of Tbilisi State University and its role in the intellectual preparation of the State’s independence is mentioned. The attitudes of Georgian political forces towards the October Revolution, the seizure of power by Bolsheviks in Russia and its total unacceptability for these political forces are examined. The discussion highlights the activities of both the Transcaucasian Commissariat and the Transcaucasian Seim, and analyses foreign factors influencing the situation. Furthermore, the Trabzon and Batumi Conferences , the disagreements within the Transcaucasian Delegation, Noe Jordania’s and Akaki Chenkheli’s negotiations with the German Delegation as well as Germany’s leading role in Georgia’s declaration of independence are discussed in the article.
In conclusion, the article concentrates on the fact that the birth of the Parliament of the Georgian Democratic Republic should be comprehended as a logical ending point of the national-liberation movement of Georgia. The Georgian Parliament was fully prepared and started the building of a new, qualitivly different state with great willpower.


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How to Cite
SURGULADZE, Paata. The Birth of the Parliament of Democratic Republic of Georgia. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი / The Georgian Parliamentarism, [S.l.], feb. 2020. ISSN ISSN 2667– 92. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.