Elaboration of the Constitutional Principles of Educational Policy by the Constituent Assembly of Georgia (1919-1921)

  • Malkhaz Matsaberidze


The paper analyses those documents of the Constituent Assembly of Georgia which deal with the elaboration of the Chapter 12th („Education and School“) of the 1921 Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Georgia. The above-mentioned chapter was written with the general democratic spirit of the constitution and clearly defined the main principles of the educational policy: free development of culture; democratization of culture and school; nation-wide, mandatory and free-of-charge primary education; provision of secular education; unity of the teaching and learning, which rested on the coherence of the different stages of education;

Author Biography

Malkhaz Matsaberidze
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
How to Cite
MATSABERIDZE, Malkhaz. Elaboration of the Constitutional Principles of Educational Policy by the Constituent Assembly of Georgia (1919-1921). ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი / The Georgian Parliamentarism, [S.l.], nov. 2023. ISSN ISSN 2667– 92. Available at: <https://test.psage.tsu.ge/index.php/parliamentarism/article/view/345>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.